Welcome and First Post

I would like to start off this blog by introducing items that were some of the first items for my Chinese militaria collection. These items originally came from my father, who served in the Republic of China Army (ROCA) in the late 1950s and early 60s. He didn't have a lot of items and I could only find a few documents of what he had from the army. I would like to dedicate this blog to him.

The United States supplied the ROCA with many old and new gear, uniforms, and other equipment. Tensions were high between Taiwan (Republic of China) and mainland China. During this time the 823 Incident or also known as Second Taiwan Strait Crisis was occurring on Kinmen/Quemoy (金門島), a small island group just off the coastline of mainland China.

Above is a the photo above of my father dressed up for a photo shoot. From what I have researched about US military items, he is wearing a T7 parachute assembly (harness and main chute on back) with reserve chute on the front. By this time, the T7 assembly was being phased out for the newer T10 assembly for American paratroopers. He is also wearing the well known M1 helmet modified suspension system for paratrooper use. There are two insignias from what I can see. One is an airborne patch and, from what I can tell, his master paratrooper badge. He would look similar to an American paratrooper of WWII, albeit with a different uniform. I have his document that shows his awarding of the master badge. I have not yet found his actual badge, but found one in a drawer at his family's old house, and he told me he couldn't remember if that was his or not.  

Masters Paratrooper Badge document
Number of jumps recorded document


  1. providing an honest personal link to a topic can be persuasive proof of sincerity and authenticity.  which also supports a sense of authority and grasp on the subject matter.


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